Your contribution
can make change
happen now


Your support changes our pace.

More than one billion people have no access to safe water

millions of people, mainly children, die every year
REN4WATER solution wants to drive a new way to tackle this compelling challenge.

By donating to REN4WATER project

you contribute to a solution that can make change happen now
save millions of lives, protect the planet and improve millions of livelihoods.

We allocate 100% of donations to get off the ground faster

REN4WATER Impact is a non-for-profit Swiss Association, its members work on a voluntary basis
100% of donations are allocated to development activities and get our solution off the ground.

Why not funding the shipment of one prototype ?

We plan to deliver our first prototypes to Africa, learn from the field and improve our invention
you will be able to follow data and progress of your prototype from the web!

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Thank you for supporting us!

From the slums of Nairobi to the rural villages of Gurageland in Ethiopia,
we are striving to change people’s livelihoods in the developing world.
Your contribution can make change happen now!
Help us to empower them Donate now! ren4w en donate 001
REN4WATER Impact | Swiss Association
Geneva & Lausanne Region | Switzerland
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