The REN4WATER solution can enhance livelihoods
Easy to install and to use at home, the REN4WATER box increases access to safe drinking water
through an effective water treatment at the point of use.
100% effective against organic contamination, such as bacteria, virus, and protozoa,
it is just as effective as boiling water without using charcoal or other fossil fuels
eliminating this cost increases available income of households in developing countries.
Enviromental impact
The REN4WATER solution can reduce CO2 emissions
Replacing traditional water boiling using fossil fuels,
it has the potential to offset one metric ton of CO
2 per year for every four households,
and contribute to the fight against global warming.
It reduces the need for firewood collection and resulting deforestation.
The REN4WATER solution can enable new business models
providing fast access to our clean technology, facilitating local distribution,
micro-businesses and sustainable growth.
Through business models that combine donations, environmental credits and micro-financing,
we want to leverage on all impact contributions of the REN4WATER box
to achieve the fastest possible spread of its benefits and financial self-sustainability.
The REN4WATER project is an inclusive initiative.
You can be part of it.
If you want to partner with us, if you have ideas or if you want to make a donation
to contribute to the REN4WATER initiative, you can co-impact with us!
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