Every year 3.4 million people, mostly children, die because they have no access to sources of safe drinking water. The 80% of diseases in developing countries are waterborne, by the use of unsafe water.
To date, water boiling remains the most widespread method, one of the most effective water treatment against all forms of organic contamination and one of the easiest way to obtain safe water at home. However, boiling water is highly fuel-expensive and the families have often to choose whether to use their income for treating water or for the purchase of food.
Two needs among which one should not be forced to choose
Ren4Water has engaged to develop a water purifier that is powered 100% by renewable energies that requires no electricity or fuel, therefore with zero running costs. An easy-to-use and CO2 emission-free solution that is suitable for domestic use. From the commitment of the Ren4Water Team the Water Box was born, a device that provides up to 20 liters of clean water per day, powered by a small solar panel and suitable for use in every simple home.
We need your continued support to deliver access to safe drinking water and help save many people’s life. Help us build our Water Boxes.
Be part of the dream!
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year 2019, also for those who will benefit from your donation!
The Ren4Water Team ______________________________________
• You can donate with Credit Card and PayPal in EUR, CHF e USD.
• Or you can make a bank transfer in EUR (SEPA) o CHF.
• Click Donate and select your option.
• It is a Not-For-Profit Association, all its Members work pro-bono.
• Members’ fees entirely finance the operating expenses of the Association.
• 100% of donations are allocated to the development activities of Ren4Water Project.